# ELO objects and metadata

'ELO objects and metadata' component icon

# Goal and use

The ELO objects and metadata component provides you with basic functions for communicating with an ELO repository.

# Credentials and connection data

Enter connection data for the ELO objects and metadata component. A default connection is available. This is entered in the config files. The user context assumes the session of the user logged into the ELO client. You can also create additional connections to run services with defined rights.

# Triggers

Triggers are the starting points of a flow. The ELO objects and metadata component offers the following triggers:

Name Event Additional information
Query trigger with generic result Started when the endpoint is called with an HTTP POST. Synchronous flow
Dynamic keyword list called The trigger can be started with gen. 1 and gen. 2 metadata.
Metadata (gen. 1):
Configure dynamic keyword lists with a flow call in the Form designer or in the Field templates.
Metadata (gen. 2):
Configure dynamic keyword lists with a flow call in the aspects.
Synchronous flow
Object created Started when an object is filed in ELO. Asynchronous flow
Object edited Started when an object in ELO is changed (e.g. metadata or versions). Asynchronous flow

# Trigger configuration 'Query trigger with generic result'

'Query trigger with generic result' on the 'Settings' tab

You can transfer configuration data via a REST call or forego the transfer of configuration data entirely. To do this, do not make any additional configurations on the Settings tab.

# Advanced settings

Optional configuration with static configuration data for 'Positions' input mode

Optional: Enter configuration data via the Positions input mode, e.g. data from a third-party system. Enter your user-defined data in the key-value list. The key (1) is a mandatory field, while the value (2) is optional.

# Example entry

Key - user

Value - renz

# Next steps with the 'Query trigger with generic result' trigger

This trigger is started when the endpoint is called with an HTTP POST. You can get the endpoint under Summary > Service.

# 'Dynamic keyword list called' trigger configuration

'Dynamic keyword list called' trigger on the 'Settings' tab

Call dynamic keyword lists with a flow call. The trigger can start in the context of gen. 1 and gen. 2 metadata. The call is structured as follows: flows-plugin/trigger/trigger ID and may look like this, for example: flows-plugin/trigger/08e40e34-2e3e-4725-baed-1442d1e25143.

For gen. 1 metadata, the data entered is not automatically transferred formatted. You can configure formatting on the Settings tab as needed. Gen. 2 metadata automatically provide formatting.

# Configure flow call for dynamic keyword lists

To call dynamic keyword lists with flows, the flow call has to be configured in the metadata. The following explains more for both gen. 1 and gen. 2 metadata.

Metadata (gen. 1):

The trigger is started when an ELO Flows call is used to store dynamic keyword lists in the Form designer (gen. 1) or in the Field templates (gen. 1).

You can read the trigger ID in the flow designer for the trigger under Summary > Properties > ID.

Configure in the Form designer:

  1. Select a field.
  2. Open the properties for the selected field.
  3. Under Keyword list, select the option Dynamic Keyword Map.
  4. In the Script name input field, enter the call according to the convention flows-plugin/trigger/Trigger-ID.

Store in the Field templates:

  1. Select a field.
  2. Enter the call under Keyword list > Dynamic keyword list.

Metadata (gen. 2):

The trigger is started when a flow call is used to store dynamic keyword lists in an aspect field.

  1. Within your package, navigate to Aspects.
  2. Select an aspect or add a new one.
  3. Within the aspect, navigate to the Fields area.
  4. Select a field or add a new one. The settings for the field open.
  5. In the Dynamic keyword list input field, enter the call according to the convention flows-plugin/trigger/Trigger-ID.

# Advanced settings

Fields for configuring the trigger

Optional: Manual formatting of gen. 1 metadata entries

1 Entry type: Select an entry type from the drop-down menu. The following options are available: Integer, Number, Date, Datetime.

2 Field name: Enter the field name with dynamic keyword list from the context of forms with gen. 1 metadata.

# Example entry

Entry type - Date

Field name - Filing date

# Next steps for 'Dynamic keyword list called' trigger

Use the result SimpleDynKwlColumnsResult or DynKwlColumnsResult at the end of the flow under synchronous feedback.

# Result definition via 'SimpleDynKwlColumnsResult'

SimpleDynKwlColumnsResult: Configuration options for the result object

Configure the result object manually with the following object properties:

1 Title of table: The Title of table field is mandatory. Enter the title of the generated results table.

2 Columns: Open the advanced configuration for the columns by selecting the plus icon.


Manual configuration of individual columns of the result table is optional. If you decide to configure columns, the fields Column title, Form field name, and Column type are mandatory.

3 Column title: Enter a title to be displayed for the column. If you don't want to show a column title in the table, enter null.

4 Form field name: Enter the name of the form field the data should be transferred to. If you don't want to transfer the data from this column to a form field, enter null.

5 Column type: Enter the data type of the column. TEXT is entered by default. Alternatively, you can enter INTEGER, NUMBER, DATE, or DATETIME.

6 Column data: Configure a custom list transformation.


Manual configuration of the list transformation is optional. In this case, the Context field is mandatory.

7 Context: Enter the data context of the transformation, e.g. with relation to the previous steps within your flow.

8 string: Enter the value you want to select.


If you want to perform concatenation for the list transformation, you will have to make your entry in the JSONata editor. You can find more information under Known issues > Concatenation in transformation fields.

  • Example entry
    • Title of table - User list
    • Column title - User name
    • Form field name - PERSON.PERSONAL_DATA
    • Column type - TEXT
    • Intended transformation: Transform List<Person> into a list of names List<String>.
    • Context - stepBefore.persons
    • string - $.name

# Result definition via 'DynKwlColumnsResult'

DynKwlColumnsResult: Input modes for configuring the result object

Result definition via DynKwlColumnsResult provides advanced configuration options. When configuring the columns, you can choose between the modes Basic entry, Position, and List transformation.

'Basic entry' input mode

'Basic entry' input mode

With the input mode Basic entry, you can customize the columns in the form of JSONata commands. Use the Columns field in the JSONata editor.

Example entry

//Example of a static variant for basic entry
    "title": "Column1",
    "formFieldName": "Field1",
    "columnType": "TEXT",
    "data": [
    "title": "Column2",
    "formFieldName": "Field2",
    "columnType": "TEXT",
    "data": [

'Positions' input mode

'Positions' input mode


The Positions mode corresponds to the setting options of the result definition via SimpleDynKwlColumnsResult.

Within the column data, you can also select the input mode (1) Positions and add string fields (2). Enter a fixed value in the string field. You can select preconfigured suggestions by selecting the arrow icon next to the field, for example.

'List transformation' input mode

'List transformation' input mode

The List transformation input mode focuses on the transformation of list data from previous steps of the flow.

1 Context: Define the context for the transformation, e.g. a previous step in the flow.

2 Column title: Enter the title of the column where the data from the transformed list should appear.

3 Form field name: Enter the name of the form field the data should be transferred to. If you don't want to transfer the data from this column to a form field, enter null.

4 Column type: Enter the data type of the column. TEXT is entered by default. Alternatively, you can enter INTEGER, NUMBER, DATE, or DATETIME.

5 Input mode: For further configuration, choose between the input modes Positions, Basic entry, and List transformation.


Advanced configuration of the list transformation is optional. In this case, the Context field is mandatory.

6 Context: Enter the data context of the transformation, e.g. with relation to the previous steps within your flow.

7 string: Enter the value you want to select.

# 'Object created' trigger configuration

'Settings' tab for the 'Object created' trigger

The Object created trigger starts when an ELO object (SORD) is created.

# Advanced settings

Advanced configuration options for the 'Object created' trigger

Optional: You can restrict the trigger to specific metadata forms and data fields that are in the context of the created object.


You can use gen. 1 and gen. 2 ELO metadata. For more information on how to use metadata in ELO, refer to General information > Using gen. 1 and gen. 2 metadata.

1 Form: Enter the metadata form the trigger listens to. The trigger is only started for this metadata form.

2 Field monitoring: Enable field monitoring if you only want to start the trigger within the context of specific metadata fields.

3 Check mode: Choose between the check modes Field corresponds to a comparison value and Field was changed.

  • Field corresponds to a comparison value - triggers the flow if a specific value is set.
  • Field was changed - triggers the flow only if a specific field has been changed.

4 Field name: Enter the date field you want to monitor.

5 Field value: If you select the check mode Field corresponds to a comparison value, enter the value to be checked.

# Example entry

Form: Invoice (gen. 1) or BASIC.PERSON (gen. 2)

Check mode: Field corresponds to a comparison value

Field name: INVOICE_NO (index field) or INVOICE_POSITION.STATUS (aspect field)

Field value: 12345

Next steps

The trigger Object created is an asynchronous flow so you don't have to configure an end node.

# 'Object edited' trigger configuration

Fields for configuring the trigger

The Object edited trigger starts when an ELO object (SORD) is edited.

# Advanced settings

Advanced configuration options for the 'Object edited' trigger

Optional: You can restrict the trigger to specific metadata forms and data fields that are in the context of the edited object.


You can use gen. 1 and gen. 2 ELO metadata. For more information on how to use metadata in ELO, refer to General information > Using gen. 1 and gen. 2 metadata.

1 Form: Enter the metadata form the trigger listens to. The trigger is only started for this metadata form.

2 Field monitoring: Enable field monitoring if you only want to start the trigger within the context of specific metadata fields.

3 Check mode: Choose between the check modes Field corresponds to a comparison value and Field was changed.

  • Field corresponds to a comparison value - triggers the flow if a specific value is set.
  • Field was changed - triggers the flow only if a specific field has been changed.

4 Field name: Enter the date field you want to monitor.

5 Field value: If you select the check mode Field corresponds to a comparison value, enter the value to be checked.

# Example entry

Form: Invoice (gen. 1) or BASIC.PERSON (gen. 2)

Check mode: Field was changed

Field name: INVOICE_NO (index field) or INVOICE_POSITION.STATUS (aspect field)

Field value: 12345

Next steps

The trigger Object edited is an asynchronous flow so you don't have to configure an end node.

# Services

Services are actions that can be run within a flow. The ELO objects and metadata component offers the following services:

# 'Permissions' group

Name Function
Remove all permissions Removes all permission entries from an object
Remove permissions Removes permissions from an object
Add permissions Adds permissions to an object

# 'Documents' group

Name Function
Download working version Downloads a version of an object and provides it in flows
Upload document version Loads a FlowsFile in an object as a document version
Name Function
Create ECD link Creates a new ECD link based on an object ID of a document
Create external link Creates a new external link based on an object ID

# 'Metadata' group

Name Function
Load metadata Reads the metadata of an object and provides it in the flow
Change color Sets the color of an object
Change metadata form Sets the metadata form of an object
Set metadata Sets defined metadata on an object

# 'New' group

Name Function
New documents Creates several new documents
New document Files a new document to the repository
New folder Creates a new folder in the repository

# 'Organize' group

Name Function
Delete all references Deletes all references to an object
Copy Copies an ELO object and files the copy
Delete Deletes an ELO object
Move Moves an entry in the repository
Reference Creates a reference to an ELO object in the repository

# 'Additional metadata' group

Name Function
Load map fields as list Loads map fields of an object as a list
Load map fields Loads map fields of an object and provides them in flows
Write map fields Writes values to map fields for an object.

# Without group assignment

Name Function
Load configuration file Loads a configuration file from the ELO repository
Last updated: March 26, 2024 at 10:28 AM