'ELO FTP' component icon

# Goal and use

The FTP component provides functions for communicating with an FTP server. It enables you to perform folder and file operations, such as uploading and downloading documents to and from an FTP server or loading data and metadata.

# Credentials and connection data

Configure connection data for the FTP component. Each connection entry stands for a connection to the FTP server. Different FTP protocols can be used: insecure FTP, FTPS, and SFTP.

# Triggers

Triggers are the starting points of a flow. The FTP component does not offer any triggers.

# Services

Services are actions that can be run within a flow. The FTP component offers the following services:

# 'Document' group

Name Function
Download document Downloads a document from an FTP server. This allows the document to be used for other services.
Load metadata for document Reads the metadata of a document on an FTP server. This allows the available metadata, such as the path, size, and timestamp to be used for other services.
Upload document Stores a document on an FTP server.

# 'Folder' group

Name Function
Create directory Creates a new folder on an FTP server. It is also possible to create multiple child directories.
Load metadata for folder Reads the metadata of a folder on an FTP server. This allows the available metadata, including path, size, and timestamp to be used for other services.
Load directory contents Reads the content of a folder. You can also restrict or expand the selection with different filters and options.

# 'Organize' group

Name Function
Copy Copies a document or folder to an FTP server. This creates a duplicate, which may be stored at a different location on the FTP server.
Delete Removes a document or folder on an FTP server. All contents in the folder or document will also be deleted permanently. You cannot delete the root directory of the FTP server.
Move This service moves a document or a folder on an FTP server to another location on the FTP server. You cannot move the root directory of the FTP server. You also have the option to simultaneously rename the document/folder.
Rename Renames a document or folder on an FTP server. The typical name restrictions apply.
Last updated: February 23, 2024 at 7:44 AM