# Monitoring

ELO Flows provides a monitoring tool. In this tool, you can monitor the processing of flows and analyze errors.

'Monitoring' button

  1. Select Monitoring in the flow administration area.

'Status Report' page

The Status Report page opens. The page consists of the following tabs:

  • Version: Shows the version of ELO Flows currently being used
  • Messages: Shows current status messages
  • Flows: Shows the available flows with the corresponding statistics
  • Flows timeline: Shows the timeline of executed flows and, if applicable, errors in the list. The list can be updated, searched, and filtered
  • Validation errors: Shows any errors and error sources in flows and transformations
  • Controls: When you select the Refresh Cache button, the ELO Flows Manager reads the database contents again

Alternatively, you can perform manual troubleshooting, supported by the following status pages.

# Status pages

Multiple status pages are available, which you can check. In addition to the currently installed version number, they also indicate the online status of the modules:

# Simple status page of the ELO Flows Manager

Status page of the ELO Flows Manager

The manager offers a very simple status page that only shows the status and can be used without authenticating:


# Flow administration status page

Flow administration status page

You can reach the flow administration status page at the following URL:


# ELO Flows registry status page

ELO Flows registry status page

You can reach the ELO Flows registry status page at the following URL:



Change the host name and port based on the respective installation.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 at 10:28 AM