# ELO search

'ELO search' component icon

# Goal and use

ELO search offers services that can be used to search for SORDS in an ELO repository.

# Credentials and connection data

Configure connection data for the ELO search component. A default connection is available. This is entered in the config files. The user context assumes the session of the user logged into the ELO client. You can also create additional connections to run services with defined rights.

# Triggers

Triggers are the starting points of a flow. The ELO search component offers the following trigger:

Name Function
Perform form search With this multi-instance trigger, you can search for SORDs that are assigned to a specific metadata form. It is also possible to filter for the contents of aspect fields.

# Services

Services are actions that can be run within a flow. The ELO search component offers the following services:

Name Function
Child search (metadata generation 1) Search for SORDs located at the repository level under the start SORD. This service only finds SORDS with generation 1 metadata.
Child search (gen. 2 metadata) Search for SORDS located at the repository level under the start SORD.
Metadata form search (gen. 2 metadata) Search for SORDs assigned to a specific metadata form. It is also possible to filter for the contents of aspect fields.
Last updated: February 23, 2024 at 9:50 AM