# Logon

This chapter describes options for logging on to ELO and setting up different logon profiles.

# Single sign-on

Single sign-on (SSO) enables the user to log on to the computer once and use all applications without having to log on again.

Due to security issues, single sign-on is not available to system administrators.

If single sign-on is not available, the logon dialog box appears and you can log on with your user ID.

# Requirements

The following requirements must be met before you can use single sign-on:

  • The ELO Java Client must be installed
  • A Windows user must be created
  • Windows users must have administrator rights

Choose from the following options to set up single sign-on:

  • Registry entry in Windows
  • Start parameters in Linux
  • SSO with SPNEGO
  • SSO with NTLM

# Registry entry in Windows

  1. Open the Registry Editor.
  1. Open the following path:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\ELO Digital Office\eloenterprise

  2. Set up a new issinglesignon entry with the value true.

  3. Restart your computer.


If SSO fails, create a new entry httpFactory with the value ASF.

# SSO in Linux

Enable SSO in the client with EloClient.sh-ssoON.

Please note

You must have configured the Indexserver in advance. For more information, refer to the section ELO Indexserver SSO, SPNEGO configuration (opens new window) in the Optimization documentation.

# SSO with SPNEGO and NTLM

To configure SSO with SPNEGO or NTLM, refer to the section ELO Indexserver SSO (opens new window) in the Optimization documentation.

# Create new profile

Repositories are managed in the Profiles dialog box. The following section describes how to set up a new profile.

  1. Start the client.

    The logon dialog box appears.

  2. Press the keyboard shortcut CTRL+P.

    'Profiles' dialog box

    The Profiles dialog box appears. The existing profiles are displayed.

  3. Select New.

    Entry for a new repository

  4. Enter a name for the new profile in the Profile name field.

  5. Enter the Indexserver URL for the new repository in the Indexserver URL field.

    You must use the following format:

    http(s)://<server name>:<port>/ix-<repository name>/ix


    The ELO Indexserver URL of a repository can be determined via the ELO Application Server Manager.

    If a connection to the Indexserver is established, the Indexserver URL field turns green.

    Optional: Enter a second ELO Indexserver URL to the Alternative Indexserver URL field. ELO automatically connects to this URL if a connection cannot be established to the first URL.

  6. Select OK to save the settings and close the dialog box.


You can select the newly registered repository via the Repository drop-down menu in the logon dialog box. Show logon options must be enabled for this to work.


The new repository is now also stored as an entry in the Windows registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Javasoft\Prefs\ELO Digital Office\eloenterprise. In macOS, you will find the ELO Java Client profiles in the /Library/Preferences/com.apple.java.util.prefs.plist file and in Linux under home/<username>/.java/.userPrefs/elo digital office/eloenterprise/prefs.xml. The numbers at the end of the entries are incremented automatically. They correspond to the number of existing repositories.

# Registry entries for the ELO Java Client

Create a string named archive1 and a string value of the ELO Indexserver URL with the forward slashes (/) replaced by backslashes(\). The value could read:


Next, create a second string named name1 and enter the name of the profile into the field. Capital letters must have a forward slash, e.g. /E/L/O repository. There are additional rules for special characters. If you need them in the repository name, create a profile in the ELO Java Client and check the result in the registry.

You can add profiles in the same way: repository2/name2, repository3/name3, and so on.

Additional possible entries:

Name (string) Value
language The value en, de, fr, etc. determines the default language of the ELO Java Client at logon. If you enter an invalid language code, the fallback language English is used.
lastlogin User name shown by default in the logon window.
lastselected The name of the profile selected by default in the logon window.
serno This registry entry is displayed at the bottom left of the logon window. It will be overwritten by the value from the Indexserver at next logon.
usecacerts Define whether certificates are used from the JRE (true) or the internal certificate store (false). In Windows and Linux, certificates are used from the certificate store by default (default: false), in macOS, the certificates are from the JRE (default in macOS: true).
Please note that in macOS, certificates must be filed in the keychain under Logon.

# Windows

You can configure the server settings for your users by making an entry to the Windows Registry. Open the Registry Editor and navigate to the following key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\ELO Digital Office\eloenterprise

# Linux

In Linux, the ELO Java Client profiles are stored in the following file:

home/<username>/.java/.userPrefs/elo digital office/eloenterprise/prefs.xml

# macOS

The local Java Client settings are stored in the following files (same as for the Windows registry):

  • User nodes: ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.java.util.prefs.plist
  • System nodes:/Library/Preferences/com.apple.java.util.prefs.plist

We recommend using XCode to edit these files.


After editing, you need to reboot the system so that the changed files are used.

Alternative: Instead of restarting, you can also end any Java application. Then restart the prefs system with the following command: killall cfprefsd

Last updated: August 12, 2024 at 12:49 PM