# Organize entries
# Move
You can link entries in the Repository work area within the tree structure.
Related function
- Drag-and-drop: Click the entry you want to move and drag it to the target folder holding down the mouse button.
Select the entry you want to move.
On the ribbon, select Organize > Move.
The Move tab opens. The selected entry appears in the Original field.
Select the target folder in ELO.
The selected folder appears in the Target folder field.
Select Move entry.
If the permissions of the entry do not match the permissions at the target location, the Move entries dialog box opens. You can modify the permissions of the moved entries in this dialog box.
Optional: You can also save your selection so that the dialog box doesn't appear the next time you run the function. You can change your selection in the configuration (available in: User menu [your name] > Configuration > Dialog boxes > Inherit permissions when moving entries).
The entry is moved to the target folder.
# Reference
You can create references for folders or documents that you need at multiple positions in the repository.
A reference is a link between a copy of an original document. The document only exists once physically in ELO. All changes to the document automatically apply to the references.
Related function
- Drag-and-drop: Click the entry you want to reference and drag it to the target folder holding down the mouse button.
Open the Repository work area.
Select the entry you want to reference.
On the ribbon, select Organize > Structure > Reference.
The Reference tab opens. The selected entry appears in the Original field.
Select the target folder in ELO.
The selected folder appears in the Target folder field.
Select Insert reference.
The Reference tab closes. The reference is created in the selected target folder.
An arrow icon indicates that it is a reference.
If you want to delete a document that has been referenced, ELO will notify you that this reference exists.
# Copy
You can copy an individual document, a folder, or a folder structure with child folders to the clipboard. Use the Insert copy function to insert an entry at the desired location in ELO.
Select the entry you want to copy in ELO.
Select Organize > Structure > Copy.
The Copy/Paste tab opens. The selected entry appears in the Original field.
Select the target folder in ELO.
The selected folder appears in the Target folder field.
Select Insert copy.
Depending on whether you have copied a document or a folder, the corresponding Insert copy dialog box opens.
In this dialog box, for example, you can specify whether you want to keep the notes, the references, or the permissions. You will find more information on the options in the ELO Java Client (English) (opens new window) user documentation.
In the ELO Web Client, you must define the settings via the Copy options menu, before you can insert the copy.
Select OK.
The copy is inserted in the target folder.
# Link
You can link entries that are related. This enables you to access an entry from another entry using the link.
Select an entry in the Repository work area.
Select Ribbon > View > Navigation > Link.
The Link dialog box opens.
Select a second entry in the Repository work area.
In the Link dialog box, select the Add the selected entries as links button (arrow facing right; ELO Java Client)/Add as link (ELO Web Client).
The second entry is added as a link.
Optional: To link multiple entries with the entry you selected first, repeat this process with the other entries. This way, each entry is linked with the first one but not with each other.
Select Close.
The documents are linked.
You will recognize documents with links by the chain icon.
To edit an existing link, click the Link icon.
Additional functions
In the Link dialog box, you can access linked entries in the Repository work area, open and view them, or remove the link. The following functions are also available:
- Mesh links: If an entry is linked with multiple other entries, you can link all of the selected entries with this function.
- Permanent link: The link to the selected entry is permanent. Permanent links cannot be deleted.
# Monitor changes
Available in: Ribbon > New > Create task
You can monitor individual entries. If changes have been made to monitored entries, you will be notified in your Tasks work area.
Document: Notification as soon as other users file new versions of the document.
Folder: Notification as soon as other users add entries to this folder.
When you monitor folders, you are not notified of changes to their child folders. To monitor changes to a child folder, you have to monitor the child folder specifically.
You can recognize notifications by the camera icon.
To remove the notification from your task view, select the notification, then, on the ribbon, select Organize > Delete.
You can edit and end the changes you monitor later with the Monitor changes function (available in: Ribbon > Organize > Overviews).
# Delete entries
The Delete function enables you to delete
entries in the Repository work area
The entries are not deleted permanently. They are hidden and marked for deletion. Deleted entries have to be removed from ELO permanently by an administrator. You must be authorized to delete entries completely and permanently. They can be restored until the point at which they are permanently deleted. If necessary, contact your administrator.
You will find more information in the ELO Java Client documentation:
workflows, monitoring actions, and reminders in the Tasks work area
Only the task is deleted. The corresponding entry remains in the repository.
Workflows can only be deleted in the ELO Java Client.
Please note
Documents in the Intray that have not yet been filed to ELO are permanently deleted with the Delete function.