# ELO administration

'ELO administration' component icon

# Goal and use

The ELO administration component offers you basic functions for automated user and group management.

You will find more information on user administration in ELO under Administrators > Configuration and administration > User administration (opens new window).

# Credentials and connection data

Configure connection data for the ELO administration component the flow is being executed for. There are two default connections available: system and user context. These are entered in the config files. In the user context, the connection is established using the credentials of the user logged into the ELO client. With the system context, the system user credentials are used to establish the connection. You can also create additional connections to run services with defined rights in the Credentials area in ELO Flows.

You can find more information about credentials in ELO Flows under Use > Credentials.

# Triggers

Triggers are the starting points of a flow. The ELO administration component does not offer any triggers.

# Services

Services are actions that can be run within a flow. The ELO administration component offers the following services:

# 'Edit user/group' group

You can configure flows via the user and group information in the ELO Administration Console.

You will find more information about configuring users and groups under User administration > Users and groups (opens new window).

Name Function
Lock users If you enable the Lock account option, this user will no longer be able to log on to the system. The user is still visible in the system. To hide these accounts, disable the option Visible in user lists.
Unlock users Disable the account lock for an individual account.
Assign user groups Create a group assignment for an individual account or a group.
Remove user group assignment Remove the group assignment for an individual account or a group.
Change user password Change the logon password for an individual account in the system.
Assign user rights Assign user rights for an individual account or a group. Rights are assigned in ELO to determine which actions may be performed within the system. You will find more information on the user rights under User administration > Rights in ELO > User rights (opens new window).
Assign organizational unit Assign an individual account or a group to an organizational unit. Organizational units provide a way to classify users. You will find more information on organizational units in ELO under User administration > Additional configurations > Organizational units (opens new window)
Remove organizational unit assignment Remove the assignment to an organizational unit for an individual account or a group.
Assign multiple users to an organizational unit Assign an individual account or a group to multiple organizational units.
Remove organizational unit assignment for multiple users Remove the assignment to multiple organizational units for an individual account or a group.

# 'Create user/group' group

Name Function
Create user Create a new account in the system.
Create user group Create a new group in the system.
Create user groups Create multiple new groups in the system.
Create organizational unit Create an organizational unit in the system.

# 'Load user/group' group

Name Function
Load users Load an existing account or group.
Load organizational unit Load an existing organizational unit.
Last updated: March 28, 2024 at 3:53 PM