# Automatically generating record objects

With the functions

you can automatically generate documents with information from your filing plan.

# Create Word document


You can generate a record object for the selected file/case. The record object automatically contains information on the file/case.

This function is useful for creating text templates for fines, for example. Custom, preconfigured information for the file is added to the text template.


  1. Select the entry you want to generate a record object for.

  2. On the Public Sector tab, click Create Word document.

Dialog 'Template auswählen'

Fig.: 'Select template' dialog box

  1. In the Select template dialog box, select the document template.

  2. Click OK.

Dialog 'Neues Dokument'

Fig.: 'New document' dialog box

  1. Enter a name in the New document dialog box.

  2. Click Create document.


The record object is created in the selected file. The placeholders in the template are filled with information from the file.

The new Word document opens automatically.


If the information from the file changes, the record object can be updated using the Update Word document function.

The Update Word document function has no effect on subsequent changes to the record object. It only updates the information automatically transferred from the form.

# Update Word document


This function applies to record objects you have generated using the Create Word document function. You can update the selected record object. As a result, you do not have to create a new record object or make manual changes to an existing one.

The Update Word document function has no effect on subsequent changes to the record object. It only updates the information automatically transferred from the form.


  1. Select the record object you want to update.

  2. On the Public Sector tab, click Update Word document.


Old information and blank spaces in the document are replaced with new information from the file.

# Create cover sheet


You can create a cover sheet for the selected file.


  1. Select the file you want to create a cover sheet for.

  2. On the Public Sector tab, click Document > Create cover sheet.


The cover sheet is saved to the file.


The cover sheet contains information on the file as well as a QR code. If you print the cover sheet and file it to a physical file, mobile end devices will take you straight to the digital file by scanning the QR code.

# Create label


You can create a label for the selected file.


  1. Select the file you want to create a label for.

  2. On the Public Sector tab, click Document > Create label.


The label is stored in the file.


The label contains information on the file as well as a QR code. If you print the label using a label printer and file it to a physical file, mobile end devices will take you straight to the digital file by scanning the QR code.

If you want to use the Print document function in the ELO Java Client, you will have to set the label printer as the default printer in Windows.

You can also select the label printer as the default printer for faxes in the ELO Java Client configuration and print using the Fax document function.

Last updated: February 18, 2022 at 4:17 PM