# Create documents for employees

Using ELO HR Personnel File, you can automatically create documents for your employees that are then stored in their personnel file.

This chapter addresses the following functions:

# Add picture


You want to add a picture of your new employee to her personnel file.


  1. Select the personnel file you want add a picture to.

  2. On the HR tab, click Add picture.

Dialog 'Bild hinzufügen'

Fig.: 'Add picture' dialog box

  1. In the Add picture dialog box, you have the following options:
  • Take a picture: Using a connected webcam, you can take a picture of the employee on site.
  • Select a file: Select a picture from your Windows file system. Dialog 'Bild hinzufügen'

Fig.: 'Add picture' dialog box

  1. Click OK.


The picture is added to the personnel file.

Bild in der Personalakte

Fig.: Picture in personnel file

The picture is added to the Overview tab of the personnel file.


If you then create a badge, the image is placed on the badge.

# Create badge


You want to create a badge for your new employee.


  1. Click the personnel file you want to create a badge for.

  2. On the HR tab, click Create badge.



Fig.: Badge

A badge with an employee picture, the employee's name and title in the company, as well as the company logo is created in the personnel file.


You can print the badge using a badge printer with Windows printer drivers.

# Create document


You want to automatically create contract documents with your new employee's data. Use document templates for this. Document templates contain placeholders that are automatically replaced with the information from the personnel file.


At least one document template must be available.


  1. Select the personnel file you want create a document for.

  2. On the HR tab, click Create document.

Dialog 'Dokumentvorlage'

Fig.: 'Document templates' dialog box

  1. In the Document templates dialog box, select a document template and confirm with OK.

Dialog 'Neues Dokument erzeugen'

Fig.: 'Create new document' dialog box

  1. In the Create new document dialog box, you can change the name of the document.


The document is created in the selected personnel file and opened right away.


You can edit the document and print it for use.

If your employee's master data changes, you can apply changes using the Update document function.

The Update document function has no effect on subsequent changes to the document. It only updates the information automatically transferred from the form.

# Update document


If data in the personnel file changes (e.g. new address) after a document has been generated using the Create document function, for example, you can update the document. As a result, you do not have to create a new document or make manual changes to an existing one.

The Update document function has no effect on subsequent changes to the document. It only updates the information automatically transferred from the form.


  1. Select the document you want to update.

  2. On the HR tab, click Update document.


Old information and blank spaces in the document are replaced with new information from the personnel file.

Last updated: November 18, 2021 at 2:03 PM