# Assign permissions in ELO Spaces
The rights for the teamspaces and workspaces in ELO are determined based on the assigned roles.
# Teamspace
You can assign the following special teamspace rights to a role:
- Edit roles: Edit and create roles in the teamspace, regardless of whether the teamspace itself may be edited.
- Edit teamspace: Make changes to a teamspace. You can also change the roles assigned to members in the teamspace and add new members.
- Delete teamspace: Can only be enabled if Edit teamspace is also enabled. ELO packages > ELO Spaces > ELO Teamspaces > Configure teamspace template > Define roles (opens new window).
# Workspace
You can assign the following special workspace rights to a role:
- Edit workspace: Make changes to a workspace. You can also change the roles assigned to members in the workspace and add new members.
- Edit roles: Edit and create roles in the workspace. Can only be enabled if Edit workspace is also enabled.
- Delete workspace: Can only be enabled if Edit workspace is also enabled.
You will find more information on roles in the workspace under ELO packages > ELO Spaces > ELO Workspaces > Configure workspace type > Define roles (opens new window).