# Administration folder

The Administration folder area contains information about the Administration folder. The GUIDs of the child folders are shown here.


Custom installations, such as for projects with ELO Business Solutions, can differ from the structures described here. If required, references to the various child folders in the Administration folder should also refer to additional information sources.

'Administration folder' menu item


You may require the GUIDs to perform automatic tasks and manage the folders in scripts.

Reset filter: Click the Reset filter button to restore the default settings for the Administration folder.

# Child folders

Various program and system settings and special user documents are stored in the child folders of the Administration folder. The child folders and their functions are explained below.


The folders in ELO depend on the modules installed and the available licenses. It is possible that certain folders will not exist in the repository and that other folders, which are not described here, will exist as a result of project-specific settings.

# Sord type icons

Contains the icons for the entry types in ELO in different formats. There is one child folder for each format. The following formats are available:

  • BMP
  • ICO
  • JPG
  • PNG

# Administration

The parent folder for all folders listed here.

# Replication Base

Starting point for documents for ELO Replication assuming that this has been configured in the replication settings. Other settings are possible. You can find more information in the ELO Replication manual.

# Java Client Scripting Base

Scripts for the ELO Java Client are stored in this folder.

# Indexserver Scripting Base

Scripts for the ELO Indexserver are stored in this folder. It contains the following child folders:

  • _ALL: File Indexserver scripts to be executed by all available ELO Indexservers to the _ALL folder.
  • <Server 1>: Indexserver scripts to be executed by a specific server only can be filed to the folder bearing the name of the respective server.
  • <Server n>: Additional Indexserver scripts for the respective ELO Indexserver.
  • Synchronize Search Indexer: Elasticsearch configuration.

# ELO Background Images

COLD background images for viewing COLD documents in MMF format.

# HTML Templates

Templates for displaying metadata (HTML format)

# Webclient Scripting Base

Scripts and associated files for the ELO Web Client are located in this folder. It is the filing location for scripts that are read and executed by the ELO Web Client when the program is started.


The business partner or customer needs to transfer files to this folder manually via one of the clients.

You can find additional information on ELO Web Client scripts in the ELO Web Client manual.

# ELOxc Base

The folder ELOxc Base contains the configuration settings for ELOxc EWS.

# Users

The Users folder contains the child folders for the users.

There is one folder per user, which is created via a path according to the following convention:

Users\<number range>\<user>

Each user folder contains the following child folders:

  • Data: This folder contains the user's profile data and (if available) the user's default index.
  • Personal area: Personal documents are filed here.
  • Inbox: Alternative to Intray. Unlike the Intray, the documents are added to the full text database, version-controlled, and archived.

# Dropzone

The settings for ELO Dropzone are stored in the Dropzone folder. It contains the following child folders:

  • Global: All global tiles are stored in this folder. These tiles are available for all users. The administrator can create multiple child folders and assign permissions in ELO so that different user groups can see them.
  • Store: The tile definitions for the tile collection are saved to this folder (ELO Java Client only). The area folders are added below the Store folder. As in the Global folder, the administrator can define here which tile collections are visible to which user groups.
  • User.<User-ID>: The personal tile definitions of each user are saved to this folder. In addition, the configuration is saved in the extra text of the user folder.

# Localization

Translation files are stored in the Localization folder. It contains the following child folders:

  • custom: Localization of scripts
  • system: Localization (e.g. of form elements) using properties files.

# Fulltext Configuration

This folder is used for the configuration of the ELO Fulltext module. It contains the following child folders:

  • Re-Index Error: This folder contains documents that caused errors during a re-index.
  • Thesaurus: This folder contains the configuration files for the thesaurus and thesaurus files for the individual languages.
  • Update Errors: This folder contains documents that caused errors while updating the index.

# ELOapps

The ELOapps folder is where the configuration and database for the ELO apps are stored. It contains the following child folders:

  • AccountRecovery: This folder is intended for cases where a user has forgotten their password or a user wants to register again. You can also define workflows for cases like these. The objects used for these workflows are stored in the AccountRecovery folder.
  • Apps: This folder contains archived and installed ELO apps. These are created using the App Manager or can be installed when repositories are imported.
  • ClientInfos: This folder contains data objects (ClientInfo objects) that describe when a website is to be displayed in the client. These are created using the App Manager.
  • Configuration: The global configuration (in the extra text) is stored in this folder. It contains configuration files (JSON format), which can be read out for individual apps.
  • Icons: This folder contains ICO image files. Depending on the naming convention, these are available in the apps or can be read as a tile image in the ELO Web Client.
  • Modules: This folder contains archived and installed ELO modules. The ELO modules are created using the App Manager or can be installed when repositories are imported.

# Workflow Icons

This folder contains the icons for workflows.

# ELOwf Base

This folder is used for storing the database and the configuration for ELOwf (forms and feed). It contains the following child folders:

  • Classes: The CSS style files for displaying forms are stored in the extra text of the Classes folder. Users should also store their own CSS files in the Classes folder. These files are available in the form editor.
  • Configuration: The extra text of the Configuration folder contains configuration data (folder paths, main language, etc.) for ELOwf. The Configuration folder also contains the document framework that serves as a basic structure for forms.
  • Feed\Script Locales: Information on localizing the feed for automatic script posts. You need to transfer files to this folder manually via one of the clients.
  • Forms: The Forms folder contains all form templates.
  • Forms Custom: The Forms Custom folder is for the ELO Business Solutions. This is where you store copies of ELO Business Solution (partial) forms that share the same name. You can then edit the copies. This way, your custom settings will be retained in the copies when you update the ELO Business Solution. If there are forms or partial forms in the Forms Custom folder, ELO always uses the settings for the copies instead of those for the original forms.
  • Images: You need to file image documents that are used in files in the Images folder. References are allowed.
  • Preview: [from 10.01] The folder is used for previewing forms. This folder must be empty and should not be modified.
  • Webapp: You can store additional script and HTML documents for forms in the Webapp folder. These are files that can be embedded in forms. You need to transfer files to this folder manually via one of the clients.

# ELOas Base

The ELOas Base folder contains the scripts and libraries for ELO Automation Services.

Last updated: June 14, 2024 at 1:23 PM