# Export from ELO

Various options are available for exporting entries from ELO. This allows you to send contents to people who do not use ELO, for example.

# Save entry

The Save as function enables you to save the currently selected document outside of ELO. For example, you can send documents as an e-mail attachment or view documents for which no preview is available in ELO.


Select the document you want to save outside of ELO.


The document is downloaded. You will find it on your local file system in the Downloads folder.

The external link enables users without ELO to access documents. You can send the external link to people outside your company network, e.g. by e-mail.


  1. Select the document that you want to send.

  2. Select Create external link.

    'Create external link' dialog box

    You can restrict the availability of the document:

    • Available until: Specify a date to limit access to the document by an external user.
    • Restrict number of downloads to: This option lets you determine how often the document can be downloaded using the external link.
  3. In the dialog box, select Create external link.

You can copy the link or click the Send by e-mail button to go straight to your e-mail program and send the link.

# Open in ELO

To use functions that are not available in the ELO Integration Client, you can open entries in the ELO Web Client or ELO Java Client assuming you have one of the programs installed and have the corresponding permissions.


  1. Select the entry you want to open in another ELO client.
  2. Select Open in ELO.

The entry will open in a new window in ELO. Depending on the configuration, the entry will open either in the ELO Java Client or in the ELO Web Client.

Last updated: June 14, 2023 at 8:53 AM