# Update entries

A document filed to ELO can be changed unless it has been configured otherwise.

You have the following options for updating a document:

  • Edit in Microsoft Office function (Microsoft Office documents only)
  • File as new version function

Use the Refresh button to apply changes recently made by other users.

'Refresh' function

# Edit in Microsoft Office

If you want to edit Microsoft Office documents, open them using the Edit in Microsoft Office function.


  1. Select the document you want to edit.

  2. Select Edit in Microsoft Office.

    The document is opened in Microsoft Office. While you are working on the document, it is locked for other users. This prevents multiple people from being able to make changes to a document at the same time.

    When you are finished working on the document, you do not have to check it back in. Once you save the document in Microsoft Office, the changes are saved in ELO.

  3. After you have saved the changes, close the document in Microsoft Office.

    A new version of the document is created in ELO.

# File as new version

The File as new version function loads a file from your local file system and stores it as a new version of a document. Using this option on version-controlled documents creates a new entry in the version history and makes it the current working version. In the case of documents that are not version controlled, the previous version is overwritten.

The following options are available for filing a new version:

  • File as new version function
  • Drag-and-drop

# 'File as new version' function


  1. In ELO, select the document you want to upload a new version of.

  2. Select File as new version.

    'File as new version' dialog box

  3. Select Select file.

    Alternative: Drag and drop the document into the dialog box.

    You can enter a comment on the new version.

  4. Select Save.

# Drag-and-drop


  1. In ELO, select the document you want to upload a new version of.

  2. Click the document you want to file as a new version and drag it to the viewer pane holding down the mouse button.

    File as new version with drag-and-drop

  3. Release the mouse button.

    'File as new version' dialog box

    You can enter a comment on the new version.

  4. Select Save.

Last updated: June 14, 2023 at 8:53 AM