# Self-service
All employees with an ELO user account and long-term badge can check themselves in and out via the Self-service group.
# Self check-in
If a long-term badge has been created for you, you can check yourself in. You are then marked as present when an overview of present visitors is created.
Scan your visitor badge if your company has set up a code scanner.
- On the ribbon, go to the New tab and click Self-service > Self check-in.
Fig.: 'Self check-in' dialog box
The time of arrival is automatically entered in the Self check-in dialog box.
- Click OK.
You are checked in.
When you leave the building, check out with the Self check-out function.
# Self check-out
After you have entered the building and checked in using the Self check-in function or by scanning your long-term badge, you have to check back out when you leave the building.
Scan your visitor badge if your company has set up a code scanner.
- On the ribbon, go to the New tab and click Self-service > Self check-out.
Fig.: 'Self check-out' dialog box
The time of departure is automatically entered in the Self check-out dialog box.
- Click OK.
You are checked out.