# 'Groups' overview

Open the Groups area in the package you want to edit.

Overview of the 'Groups' area in an ELO Administration Console package

The Groups area offers the following actions:

1 Create group

2 Perform search

3 Define filter


You can sort the list of existing groups in ascending or descending order according to IDs, names, or e-mail addresses by selecting ID, name, or e-mail address in the first line of the table.

# 'Group' detailed view

'Group' detailed view in an ELO Administration Console package

The Group detailed view offers the following actions:

1 Copy group: All configurations are applied, with the exception of the Name and E-mail address fields as well as the members.

2 Perform configuration: Via the Basic settings, Group membership, and User rights tabs

3 Delete group

Last updated: September 20, 2024 at 12:41 PM