# What does ELO iSearch offer?

The ELO ECM Suite provides an efficient solution for retrieving information and locating relevant data, even with large quantities. The most important matches are found quickly and conveniently.

Various search functions ensure that you can access the documents you need as well as information from any integrated third-party applications, such as ERP, CRM, or e-mail systems. ELO iSearch helps you find information faster by automatically completing search terms as you type, correcting typing errors, and searching for similar or related terms.

In addition, when you search for contract, ELO iSearch will also suggest synonyms such as agreement. Even if the search does not return a unique search term, ELO iSearch gets you the results you want, suggesting terms that are related to the original query. Intelligent dictionaries break compound words like insurance policy down into their basic forms. The words can also be converted back to their root form so you no longer have to worry about plurals, inflected forms, or other compound words when entering search terms – the search engine does this in the background.

If the user enters policiy instead of "policy", ELO iSearch displays the message: Do you mean policy? These intelligent assistance systems pick up on typing errors, improving the search results or in some cases ensuring that there are any hits at all.

Search queries using structured metadata search tools are often very precise and very specific. Searching for an invoice, contract, or quote number in the whole repository produces fast and reliable results.

Another challenge is to save frequently used, recurring, or complex search queries with complicated filter options and being able to apply them quickly and conveniently as needed. The tiles introduced with ELO ECM Suite 10 for saving and managing search favorites provide the perfect solution to this problem.

Last updated: June 14, 2024 at 1:23 PM