# Technical settings

After successful installation, the program will start. You will see an icon on the taskbar.

The program starts automatically when you boot Windows. To start the program manually, you can run the start file in the installation directory.

In the context menu of the taskbar icon, you can open the log file or enable/disable debug log output, among others.

You can also close the program via the taskbar icon. The icon then disappears.

# Registry entries

By default, the Apache HTTP client is used for communication, as this makes SSO authentication more reliable. To use the default HTTP client instead, you can add the following name with the value true:


The program creates the following key in the registry:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Prefs\Elo Digital Office\elowebaddons

You can enter different values in this key to configure program settings.

The program has to be restarted after every change made to the registry entries for it to take effect.

# Time interval for deleting temporary files

The program regularly deletes temporary files accumulating during use. To set this time, you can add a value with the following name:


# HTTP port

By default, the program uses a specific port for communication via the HTTP protocol.

Please note

If you use the ELO Web Add-ons on a terminal server, users will share the default port. Therefore, an individual port must be set for each user.

To change the port, you can add a value with the following name:


You do not have to enable ports specifically as the installation wizard creates a corresponding firewall rule.

# HTTPS port

To enable communication via the HTTPS protocol, you can add a value with the following name:


The program gives HTTPS priority over HTTP.


If you have to change a port, you also have to configure it for all users that do not use SSO in their ELO user profiles. In the profileopts table, create the entry elo.webaddons.HTTP_PORT or elo.webaddons.HTTPS_PORT.

# Path to the keystore

To use HTTPS, you will have to configure a keystore with a corresponding certificate. For the path to this keystore, you can add a value with the following name:


# Password for the keystore

To use the keystore, you have to configure the password. For the password, you can add a value with the following name:


When you start the program, it checks whether the password is encrypted. If not, a log output is created as a recommendation containing the encrypted variant.

Last updated: July 2, 2024 at 7:24 AM