# Font colors

The colors used to display entries are defined in the Font colors area. You can assign a separate color for each document and folder type.

'Font colors' menu item

The Font colors area contains the following sections:

  • 1 List of colors
  • 2 Color settings

These are explained below.

# 1 List of colors

The List of colors area contains all the font colors that are available for the corresponding repository. Select a color to view or edit the corresponding settings.

Search for: You can search the list using the Search for field.

Add (green plus icon): Click the Add button to create a new font color.

Reload data from server (yellow circle arrow icon): Click the Reload data from server button to reload the List of colors area.

# 2 Color settings

In the Color settings area, you can edit the settings of the selected font color.

Name: You can edit the name of the font color in the Name field.

ID: The ID is assigned automatically by ELO.

Color values: The Color values area contains different options for editing the color.

  • a) manual selection using the color field and color slider
  • b) exact selection using RGB and HSB values
  • c) exact selection using hexadecimal values
Last updated: June 17, 2024 at 2:07 PM