# Services

After successful logon, you can create services for Microsoft Azure apps via ELO Azure Administration.

# Create service

  1. Open ELO Azure Administration.

    ELO Azure Administration; 'New Service' button

  2. Select New Service.

    'New Service' dialog box; selection of possible services

    The New Service dialog box appears. The following services are available:

  3. Select a service.


    This documentation uses the ELO Bot service as an example. The configuration interface may vary depending on which service is selected.

    In ELO Azure Administration, the service is shown as Not registered.

  4. Select the service.

    Configuration interface for a service

    The configuration interface for the service opens.

  5. Enter the data required to register the service. Grayed out fields are completed automatically.

    Please note

    The base URL entered for the ELO Bot must be able to forward queries from the Internet to the internal ELO Bot for MS Teams service and must be available online.

    You will find general information on the ELO Bot and ELOauth in the following documents:

    Please note

    If you use both the ELO Bot and ELOauth, you will have to register them via the same Azure app to enable communication between the services.

  6. Once you have entered the required data, select Deploy and register.

    ELO Azure Administration; registered services

    The service is registered as an app in Microsoft Azure. In ELO Azure Administration, the services are shown as Registered. You can now use the services.

# Remove service

You can remove services via ELO Azure Administration and unregister them in ELO as well as Microsoft Azure.

  1. Select the service you want to remove.

    The configuration interface for the service opens.

    'Remove service' button

  2. Select Remove service.

    Please note

    The service is deleted without any further confirmation.

    The service is removed. ELO Azure Administration also automatically removes the service in Microsoft Azure.

Last updated: June 18, 2024 at 11:27 AM