# Install web server

First, you need to install the Apache web server.

Download the Apache web server from the following address:

http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi (opens new window)


The latest binary version 2.4.25 has a bug in mod_proxy. There is a fix for this: https://www.apachelounge.com/viewtopic.php?p=34723 (opens new window)

Install the server.


Use the Binary Releases link on the download page to display the available versions. For the actual download, use the mirrored pages to download the file faster and not overload the apache.org page.

# Apache module 'mod_proxy_ajp'

By integrating the proxy plug-in into the ELO Indexserver, only the plug-in needs to be available in the DMZ. The ELO Indexserver sends internal requests to other ELO components (ELO Web Client, ELO Forms Services).

Edit the file httpd.conf in the directory <apache 2.4 install directory>/conf by adding the following lines:

# Load mod_proxy_ajp module
LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/mod_proxy_ajp.so
ProxyPass /ix-Archive1 ajp://elo-server:9092/ix-Archive1
ProxyPassReverse /ix-Archive1 http://elo-server/ix-Archive1

It is assumed that the Apache server was installed on the same server as the ELO Application Server and is therefore called elo-server. If not, the entries ProxyPassReverse need to be replaced with the internal server name of the Apache server.


The port number (here: 9092) refers to the AJP connector. You can find the port number in the conf directory within the server.xml file of the ELO Application Server.

Restart the Apache web server and check the log files for possible errors.


Make sure that all ports used for internal access are unblocked on the network.

Result: All preparations are now complete. The ELO Web Client can now be accessed via the Internet. Use the following URL:


# Configuration

# Firewall

Please note that a firewall might block access to


The firewall should allow all requests to ELO components.


If external links created in ELO need to be available over the Internet, the ELO Indexserver configuration needs to be adjusted accordingly. To do this, open the Indexserver Configure Options under publicUrlBase and enter the externally available address of the Apache 2 server.


This setting does not only apply for the ELO Web Client.

Last updated: January 8, 2024 at 11:36 AM